Carlsbad, New Mexico

Brantley Lake State Park Campground

DSC_6848 DSC_6830 DSC_6828 DSC_6827 DSC_6826 DSC_6824While in Carlsbad we stayed at a New Mexico state park called Brantley Lake (has a nice ring to it, don’t you think 🙂 . Anyway, it’s on a reservoir and the view was finally great, no more parking lot!

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

DSC_6836DSC_6845 DSC_6841 DSC_6840 DSC_6839 DSC_6838 DSC_6837 DSC_6835 DSC_6833 DSC_6832 DSC_6831We went here for a day to explore the caverns; unfortunately their elevator (which goes down 750 feet!) was out so the only way in was to walk 1 1/4 miles down the 750 foot drop and then back out the same way! My back was acting up and Jan didn’t think her knee would do that so we opted to watch the movie instead and take in the visitors center. All was very interesting and informative!

RosWELl, new mexico UFO Museum and RESEARCH library

DSC_6861 DSC_6860DSC_6857 DSC_6856 DSC_6855 DSC_6854 DSC_6853 DSC_6852 DSC_6851 DSC_6850DSC_6863 DSC_6862 DSC_6859We spent Sunday, Valentines Day, going to visit Roswell, NM, home of the UFO Museum and Research Library! Romantic don’t you think?!? Anyway, very interesting to say the least! We, of course forgot to  wear our aluminum foil hats 🙂 , I hope we’ll be okay!