When we got to Maine we couldn’t wait to get some lobster, so we found this place in Bass Harbor. We enjoyed some very delicious Lobster Rolls. We loved all the multi-colored Lobster trap buoys.A quaint typical harbor view.There were some very cool boats at this harbor too.
acadia national park
One of the Maine (get it?)things we wanted to see was Acadia National Park and it did not disappoint! Although it’s relatively small compared to some other National Parks, it is a beauty all it’s own! Here’s a view looking out over the many islands in the Maine harbor.The massive granite rocky coastline here is awesome! The typical Maine rocky shoreline.This woman sitting gives you some concept of how massive these rocks are.Even the steps they provide in some places are made of the same pinkish granite.Even though this area is mostly solid granite, the vegetation survives and even thrives!It seemed a bit strange to me to see pines and ferns growing together; a very diverse eco-structure I guess.A shot of the iconic Maine coastline!These plants and flowers are somehow growing out of solid granite! They find any little gap or crack to get a foothold.This was kind of cool; one strip of black granite in all this pink granite!Just offshore, this lobster fisherman setting his traps. Do you see all the trap buoys? We read that there are about 3000 lobster boats here that are allowed up to 800 traps each. That’s a LOT of lobsters!More of this beautiful area.Further along in our tour of the park we saw Thunder Hole. The first time Jan and I saw this; not very thunderous!However, on another visit a few days later with our friends Claude and Hope, it was much more active. Watch out people, don’t get swept out to sea!This is the sign at the entrance showing just how thunderous it can be. They close it for obvious reasons when it gets like this, although I would imagine some adventurous (aka stupid) people jump the barriers at times!Here’s an artist capturing the beauty of the Maine coastline!No caption required; beautiful!Here’s Claude taking a picture of me taking a picture of him. Notice the warm clothes? Very chilly winds that day.And here we were a couple of days later at the same area and it was beautiful weather!Jan, Hope and Claude enjoying the views despite the chilly winds!This was a beautiful part of the park that is apparently not visited as much for some reason. We loved it. Remote and quiet except for the sounds of the ocean.After a long day exploring the park it was time to eat! We went to Union Lobster Pound for dinner. Here we are waiting for them to open, enjoying their river front views behind the restaurant.The view was very tranquil.They had quite a selection of lobsters from 1 1/4 lbs. to this monster 3 lb. one!Claude enjoying his feast!I opted for the wood planked Halibut; it was delicious!Jan opted for the seared sea scallops; also delicious!We usually don’t order desert but I couldn’t resist this Maine Blueberry pie with cheesecake whipped cream topping! So decadent!After dinner at the same place the next night, we had the waitress snap this picture of the four of us. It was great to see Claude and Hope up in Maine for a few days!