New York, Part II- Time with the Davidsons in upstate NY
Our site for the week at Coles Creek State Park. Another beautiful spot! Man, we really have a great travel agent!A view of the St. Lawrence River from our dining room window. Just across the river is Canada!We met up with Tom and Carol and we did a river cruise; The Thousand Island Tour.Our tour was on the boat. Nice view from all sides!As the tour name suggests there are literally over a thousand islands of all sizes!Some quite small.Others much larger with beautiful summer homes. In the foreground of this one is a small “Guana” island full of the culprits!A beautiful traditional New York summer “cottage” complete with dock and boat house.This is two adjacent islands owned by one owner. If you look close the water is quite high and is actually covering their dock. Still from Spring run off?A few of the islands are very small; this one just large enough for one small tree!These are two islands connected by the world’s smallest international bridge!As you can see; Canada on the left and the USA on the right! What, no crossing sentries!?This by far was the most impressive; Boldt Castle!The main house on the right and the gate house on the left.There was a tour available but we chose not to do it; it was threatening rain any minute!On another nearby island sits the quant little boat house for Boldt Castle! The tours for it were cancelled due to the high water flooding. It’s a boat house, isn’t it supposed to have water in it?!?While on the tour we went by this Osprey nest in the trees along the shore of one of the uninhabited islands.One of the smaller quaint summer houses!Tom and Carol also invited us up to her family camp for a lunch. Such a cool little cabin deep in the woods of the Adirondacks on Joe Indian Pond!When she was going there as a child there was no electricity or indoor plumbing. This was the outhouse, now used for storage.Very lush greenery all around, just beautiful!It has it’s own boat dock on the very serene Joe Indian Pond!Another view of the pond.A view looking up from the dock. Really nice back screened porch to enjoy the view from!I spotted this little guy in the greenery near the house.We toured around the Adirondacks with Tom and Carol. We stopped for lunch at a nice spot near Potsdam, where Carol grew up. A great picure Jan took of Carol!Jan and Carol after lunch. Just so you know, we had to buy the bottle!Da boys enjoying a cigar and cocktails at the cute motel we stayed in while there!