While in New Jersey we visited our friends Camille and Jacques and their menagerie of animals.They have two beautiful horses; that’s Joey on the left and Luna on the right.Then there are their two Dalmatians. This is Brody, the male.And this is Bryce, the female. Really sweet dogs!A nice big pasture for the horses.And of course their barn and paddock area.While visiting Camille and Jacque we went with Camille to the Jersey shore. It was a beautiful day for it!
Jan and Camille at the SHORE (it’s not called the beach here)And Jan and me with our feet in the water!Which completed our coast to coast journey on our map; from the beach in San Diego to the shore in New Jersey!
We took the train across the river over to Philidelphia to meet our good friends Claude and Hope at the stadium for a Phillies game.
Despite having had his broken foot casted that day, Claude met us there along with Hope and their nephew Dozie. What a trooper Claude was!We had a great view from the box seats Claude was able to get for us too!
While staying in New Jersey on another day we took the train across the river to visit the Pennsylvania Capital Building.A striking sculpture out in front on either side of the main entrance; an awful lot of nudity going on there!The view from the front steps of the capital building.The view up into the main dome; quite impressive!The grand staircase up to the upper levels.
They also had these picture tiles in the main lobby depicting events and people from the history of Pennsylvania including farmers, trade workers and the indians.
A plaque in the floor where Teddy Roosevelt stood during his dedication of the building.
We were able to also see where the state congress meets and votes.Everywhere you look there’s art, sculptured facias and gold plate!
The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court chambers.
On our last day in New Jersey Camille and Jacque took us to their favorite Italian restaurant along with her good friends and neighbors Dottie and Al. We had a wonderful meal and visit.Left to right; Al, Camille, me, Jan Jacques and Dottie.For all you NCIS fans, this was a neighboring community, Gibbstown!