Just outside of Death Valley National Park is this refuge. A very interesting place as you’ll see by this post.All the roads in the refuge are gravel, very dusty!the Visitors Center.Visitors Center greeter!
This little guy was hanging out on the railing overlooking the spring. He’s about an inch long.Streams like this connect all the different springs. According to the signs we read the water is fairly warm and acidic and has bacteria, so if you’re not used to it, it is not drinkable.
An interesting formation on these nearby mountains!This boardwalk leads to the Longstreet spring and cabin. The story is Mr. Longstreet apparently killed 5 men, only one of which he was sorry for.
The spring near the cabin.You can see the sand inn the bottom being stored up by incoming water from the spring source.This was another spring nearby
One of the spring residents. This is the only place in the world these tiny fish exist. The one here are fresh water veriety while in nearby Devils Hole they are saltwater!
A local resident; a Jackrabbit.One of the local Mesquite trees.
This is Devil’s Hole. Nothing exciting to see from the surface but if you Google it you’ll come up with some fascinating video of divers exploring the massive underground (and underwater) caves here.They’re serious about keeping unwanted explorers out. The only personnel allowed are researchers and rangers.Also in this refuge is this spring fed reservoir. looks strange to see the Carribean looking body of water in the otherwise desolate area.