Saint Patricks Day celebration picnic hosted by the park. Food, live music and fun!
St. Patrick’s Day park celebration with a bandOne of the many “characters”Participants plus the EZ Go parking lot
mustang island state park
Our one picture of Mustang Island State Park- Closed due to the previous night’s storm, BUMMER!
GOOSE ISLAND state park
One night in overflow parking before the beach spotOur spot on the beach, nice!Up the beach view.
View from the beach. Nice shelter!View down the beach. (No pics of the storm surge coming over the wall; before we left.Oyster House Happy Hour oyster plate; $7.50/dozen! YUM!!Oyster House “after” picture, about 5 minutes later!Sunset over the bay.
Our very noisy neighbors! (mine,mine,mine)Egret in front of our camp spot!
HUGE Egret! Over 4 feet tall!Ferry terminal to Port Aransas where we took the Dolphin tour.
Artsy planterA boat for our real estate friends!HUGE oil drilling rig. For sale, only $1.1B!!Massive cargo ship; aka dolphin surfing partner!
Front end of oil fueled steam engineCaboose operator’s perch.Massive!Dining car used for social events.I’m sorry, in case of derailment I’m getting the hell out! The tanks will empty themselves!
The model trains were awesome! So much intricate detail!
VERY detailed train setup. These old guys have LOTS of time on their hands!
Control central!
sophienburg museum of new braunfels
The Sophienburg Museum, a museum of the original settlers from Braunfels, Germany of New Braunfels in TexasWell done museumModel of the first RV!The first Prius!Guns of the eraAnd more guns!The all important saloon (they were German after all!)And drugs of course.New Braunfels currency.Sample of the home furnishings and personal effects from the time.Traveling essentials (2 bottles of booze!)Progression of Rving I think.
pedernales falls in johnson city near austin
Lush path up to the parking lot.
Blue BonnetsThe River below the Pedernales Falls. Notice the light green? That’s how high the river was a few months ago during the flooding!Very lush after the flood!Walkway down to the river.Rock artThat tree was completely submerged!JulesSpring breaker’s enjoying the water.
Turtlefest! Count ’em, 17!More turtles!Original building from the 1800’sAqueducts similar to what the Spaniards built in the day.Palatial groundsInteresting wood bench
This was a beautiful place, even though we came a bit early so everything wasn’t in bloom yet. We hope to return before we leave the area since things are beginning to bloom now.
Austin texas and ladybird lake park
Dana, Kelly & MacMac loves water ( unlike Zoe! )
We met up with Dana Lynch, Mary’s sister in law and Dana’s daughter Kelly and “their” beautiful GSD, Mac.
Beautiful walking/biking path along the river
City “art”Yet another turtle!What you look’n at?
Hmmm, that engineer’s hair matches the train!Kelly & Mac
fredericksburg and the national museum of the pacific war (wwii)
These plaques represent thousands of fallen men and women from the Pacific theater of WWII.
Screw from an Essex class carrier.
I loved the subdued lighting they used on these displays.What an inspirational thing to come from two Admirals, Nimitz and Togo, who always had the utmost respect for each other, and, of course, the Japanese people. FYI, Admiral Nimitz was born and raised here in Fredericksburg.
Great German food for lunch at Auslander, which in German means “Traveler” or “Tourist”!THAT must be where they buried Granny, she always had a green thumb!Are those John Deere seats!Cool benches in Fredericksburg downtown areaFAT ASS RANCH & WINERY- A cool winery on our way home. Unfortunately they had just closed for the day
Cool bench!Old Fordson (I think) tractor at the winery
GUADaLUPE river state park in spring branch, texas
Notice the flotsam left in the trees after the flood a few months ago! And yes, the water did get that high! WOW!
The “rapids” (Notice more flotsam above in the trees)Well rooted trees!More root patterns but it sure looks like a squirrel or something lurking behind!interesting root patterns!The pathANOTHER TURTLE! And I haven’t seen Turtle Soup anywhere on a menu!Stairs from the river to the picnic areasThat Cyprus tree has more wrinkles than me!
lunch at the famous salt lick BARBECUE restaurant in driftwood, texas
(left to right) Mark, Penny (Denny Hammond’s 96 year young sister!), Jan, Jules, Liz and Brandt
Penny with JanNice ambiance!Serving up!HUGE hunk o’meat! YUM!!“THE PIT”
Huge grounds for picnicking, there’s even a dog park too!
MCKINnEY falls state park in austin, texas
We met up with Liz for a picnic lunch and sightseeing at McKinney Falls State Park
Now that’s the way to RELAX!
The infamous Bluebonnets are beginning to bloom!
Beautiful butterfly!Bluebonnets galore!
Bluebonnets and more Bluebonnets!
meanwhile, back at the campground….
Our back window viewEmpty campground (temporarily until Spring Break at least)Zook, our neighborhood watchdog!Representatives from the resident herd of deer. They really like the deer corn I put out every evening!The camphosts say there’s a herd of about 30 that live in this valley.