While in Virginia we stayed at Stoney Creek RV Park. A small family run park with lots of trees. A little challenging to get in and out but plenty of room once you’re in!We took a drive through Shenandoah NP; the trees were just beginning to change.
west virginia
In West Virginia we stayed at Pipestem State Park. Very wooded and pretty site, but don’t venture out too far at night or you’ll tumble down the embankment!Pretty spot but the picnic table was useless on that angle!Nice woodsy view out our dining room windows!We got a little rain and it really brought out the vivid colors!There was this lodge at the park so we went to check it out. Not much happening since it was the end of the season but a nice lodge with a tram that takes you down to another lodge that’s only accessible by the tram.The creek at the bottom of the ravine.And a nice picnic area too.The colorful trees go nicely with our red truck don’t you think?We loved the custom wood furniture in the lobby of the lodge.More colorful trees in the park.There wasn’t a lot to do in West Virginia but we did find the park and museum of John Henry. It’s all about his race with the steam hammer to see who could dig more rock for the tunnel. He won but at the price of his life. His legend lives on though!The infamous tunnel. It’s no longer used, there is a larger tunnel nearby that is larger and newer.The museum is pretty cool with lots of artifacts and memorabilia from the old days of coal mining in West Virginia and the railroad that transported it.All the woods used in making these beautifully crafted carvings commemorating John Henry.