While our rig was being repaired (Finally fixed the slide issue!) we went to Savannah for a few days and stayed in a VRBO. We have no pics of that, it wasn’t anything picture-worthy , but lots of pics of this beautiful city!
As I said before, our apartment was nothing to write home about but this was Forsyth Park right across the street. Everything was within walking distance which was good since finding parking for Big Blue was nearly impossible!We took a Hop On-Hop Off trolley/bus tour of Savannah. Along the way these folks in costume would hop aboard to give us entertaining spiels about various characters in Savannah’s history.
We saw many of these old colonial traditional homes; very well kept and preserved.
We loved all these streets lined on both sides with Live Oak trees; so named because unlike most trees, as soon as they drop their leaves they sprout new ones right away!Some of the many beautiful displays of Spring flowers. The Azaleas were especially abundant and thriving here!
From the original layout of the city, they have always had these 24 squares around . All different and all beautiful. Each had some sort of monument or statue commemorating one of their historical figures.
We loved this building with it’s tower.A few buildings had these ornate cast iron downspouts. Our bus driver/guide called them dolphins but we think they’re just fish; still cool!
Some of the homes and bridges also had this ornate iron work.An original pharmacy from back then.And there was a film crew in town filming Gemini Man with Will Smith; all we saw was the police cars blocking the street and the movie set trailers.We also saw the Old Savannah Cotton Exchange. Now it’s occupied by various shops, businesses, restaurants and hotels but keeps it’s historic charm.
These bridges were used back then for the assessors could inspect loads of cotton for sale so they could assess it’s value.The cobblestones here were stones the original merchants had in the holds of their ships as ballast when they came to America. Once they arrived they would offload them and load up whatever treasures they would buy to take back.While in Savannah we had to of course take a riverboat cruise!Very authentic looking paddlewheel, until you notice a few things. Here, the paddlewheel isn’t touching the water.And then there were four of these huge diesel exhaust pipes!And the original smoke stacks now houses life jackets! Oh well, that’s progress; still cool though!A view back towards the Cotton Exchange from the boat.A closeup of that gilded clock tower reveals the clocks apparently no long are functional. At least they could have matched the time on the clocks for those that are OCD!
The interior was beautiful as well!One of the free river ferry boats.A view of the suspension bridge nearby. Impressive piece of engineering!
Nearby construction; they’re tearing down an old power plant to make way for new construction.One of the many massive freighters and tankers that visit this bustling port of entry. This one has a ramp out the fantail where they can drive vehicles on and off.Here’s a steam shovel, I mean excavator (sorry Reeve!) coming off. It gives you a sense of the size of this massive ship!Wood chips for paper production I assume.This is a statue in the park along the Savannah River of a woman who always greeted all the ships arriving by waving a white flag; she is legendary. Legend has it that she met and fell in love with a sailor who promised to return for her when he left. She did this for over 40 years!Some of our locals to greet the passing boats!Down the river a ways was Fort Jackson.; a restored 19th century fort built in 1808, used in the War of 1812 and used by the Confederates during the Civil war.Every time this riverboat passes they treat the passengers to a firing of the cannon!