At the entrance, Reeve couldn’t wait to get inside! He’s REALLY into Legos and especially anything Legos Star Wars related!Reeve meeting the Lego R2D2An AT-AT battlegroundAmazing detail in all of the displays!Laura is as much or more so into Star Wars and Legos!Starship Enterprise (I think!)
We did pry Reeve away from the Star Wars exhibits; he and Laura and I did the Lego Safari ride, fun!
I was in a separate car behind them. It was on rails so I could take pictures and let it self guide!Reeve also got to drive himself on the electric Lego cars.I on the other hand didn’t quite fit; but it was a FORD!Speaking of Fords, they had a 1964 1/2 Mustang Coupe made entirely of 194,900 Legos! It took the team 1200 hours to complete! It’s 15 feet long, 6 feet wide and 4 feet tall.
At the entrance of the Imagination where they let the kids (and adults) build stuff with Legos. Yes, thats Einstein in Legos!Bryce & Reeve building cars to race against each other
The Luxor; part of the city of Las Vegas exhibit.The Hollywood Bowl; complete with full orchestra and an audience!Daytona NASCAR Speedway, complete with spectators and RVs in the infield!
And a NASA exhibit with a Lego Space Shuttle launch!Reeve in the Lego star with his “friends”!Branpa and his bench buddy!