Downtown Golden, beautiful town!Great restaurant I guess, we ate there 3 times! There with Aneka this time.GREAT Bloody Mary’s too! (This was a previous morning visit, before Aneka was there.)A fly fisherman , one of the many sculptures around downtown.Our camp spot in Clear Creek RV Park, a Golden city park.Our view of the rushing river
The city park playground which Reeve loved.Reeve visiting our campsite. Perfect shirt for his age don’t you think?
But the biggest hit for Reeve? The indoor waterpark and GIANT slide!Jan rode it with him once.
Then it was mom’s turn; she went an incredible 50 times per his request!
As you can see, he loved it every time!The rest of the pool was fun too!Then it was dad’s turn.
Rich and Aneka went too. “I can do this dad!”
We had fun in the rest of the pool too!
Jan teaching Reeve water safety; how to swim to the side to get out after jumping in. He had a blast!
Barb and Zach came too and made use of the lap pool.
Reeve apparently didn’t get enough exercise at the pool!First with Aneka was a visit to the Golden Mountaineering MuseumNext up we took her to Buffalo Bills Museum.
Just can’t keep her off the horses!
Ice cream is always good!
After the museum we took her to Walt and Carries for dinner and to meet their “zoo”. Aneka loved the baby goats (12 weeks old!)!
Joni came to visit while we were there and of course Reeve got her to playing with him drawing tractors.Mary also stopped by so we all went over to the park across the street from Bryce and Laura’s new home. Laura’s twin sister Monica and her daughter Autumn joined us as well; they live only a block and a half away. The kids loved the water features!ALL the “kids”!
The playground was fun too!
Bryce took us to Unser indoor Kart Racing. Bryce and I raced while Jan was the official photographer. We won’t talk about my lap times! Thats me in front with Bryce right behind (just about to lap me!)